- Title – “SHEDWARS21: “
- Playlist – SHEDWARS21
- At least 12 videos tips or tricks on growing stuff or a tour video in your playlist
- Grow at least 1 vegetable plant in a pot or container
- at least 2 videos per month
- Grow how you normally grow your food and weigh in only what you and your family consume or preserve
- 3 Strike Rule for just taking from the community and not giving back.
- 2 hashtags in description #SHEDWARS21: #SHEDWARS #teamdownunder
- Entry Intro video what your name is, who you are and send it to arkinsol woodcutter community page 20/11/20 – 15/2/2021
- Family Friendly
- At least 2 minutes long
- Final video is a weigh in on how much produce you harvest so keep records of your harvests
- There will be challenges
Creators of SHEDWARS
John from Will it Grow
Mark from
Arkansas Woodcutter
Robert from
Homestead Aquarius
Can I link this when people want to see rules in writing?
🙂 I time stamped all over the video comments lol 😉
Chip chip
Absolutely feel free to share it where ever you like 🥰