Location and Property Data
Where is the property located?
City: Lockyer Valley Regional Council
Country: Australia
Suburb: Lockyer Waters QLD 4311
Latitude and Longitude: -27.45° and 152.45°
Altitude: 74- 76m above sea level
What is the size of property? 10 Acres 44380 m2
Where is the nearest mountain or range?
- Lockyer Valley National Park 400m above sea level
- Mount Tarampa 5km 150m above sea level
- Toowomba 46km 600m above sea level
What is the distance from the ocean (East and/or West coast)?
79km from the East Coast
What is the distance to the nearest population centre?
- Lowood 22km
- Coominya 16km
- Minden 26km
- Plainland 20km
- Gatton 23km
What is the previous property use history?
The property has previously been used:
- turf farm,
- previous to previous owners: planted a vineyard on the southern side of the property and an orchard to the west as well as planting fast growing trees around the house yard.
- previous owners: owned for 20 years and basically continually grazed the property and were not gardeners or farmers they just had a cow or 2, horses and a variety of birds.
So the current condition of the property is over grazed and severely compacted with limited organic matter in the soil leading to poor water infiltration and limited soil life and top soil.
What is the property currently used for?
Aquaponics, goats, chickens, various herb and kitchen gardens