Growing Your Small Homesteading YouTube Channel: Uploading Your Video

Big Keys to how to increase your views is you need to give people a reason to click on your video.

“How do I get people to click on my YouTube video?” I hear you say.

Well that all starts with some very simple steps that can really help YouTube present your videos to your audience. Today I am going to talk about and show some demonstrations on:

  • Title
  • Thumbnail
  • Description
  • Hashtags
  • Tags
  • Location
  • Playlists


Your title needs to be catchy but not click bait if you say you are going to show something make sure you show it.

You can also include #hastags in your title but make sure it is still readable.


You need to look at this like it is a brochure or flyer or advertising for your video. It is your videos introduction to the world or in other words you are giving people a reason to click on your video.

You need to put effort into this and remember a picture tells a 1000 words.

  • Many people recommend having a persons face mid word or with expressions on their face.
  • If you have words on your thumbnails which is a good idea make sure there are not to many and there is enough contrast so it can be easily read.


Ok now this is a big deal so many times people including me leave this blank and that will hurt your video.

You don’t need a full transcription of your video but at least some key topics that you will cover you still want people to watch the video.

Some things to include:

  • reenforce the title of the video but in different words
  • Include some hashtags but I will go into that more soon
  • Some of the topics you are going to talk about
  • Think of it like an introduction to your video or an executive summary


Ok this is important this is a #hashtag generally they are lower case only and absolutely no spaces note the difference between #teamdownunder and #team downunder the first one is correct the second on is not.

Now the first 3 depending on their length tags will show up above your videos Title if your location is turned off. If your location is on they will not.

You can have more than 3.


Now if you want your tags to show above your Titla you must turn this off but you can have it as a hashtag still. If you have no tags it will help people know where you are located.


Tags are very important they tell YouTube which ailse your video should be in sort of 🤷‍♀️

There is an upper limit of characters but add as many as you can and this little tip I learnt from Gail from Gail’s Southern Living always include your channel name and your name if you use it in your tags. Some other things to include would be:

  • your video title
  • Reworded video title
  • Any group or collaboration attached to this video
  • Any questions you answer
  • All the topics you discuss
  • And remember to use multiple different ways to phrase things and potential misspellings of words


Playlists help to categorise your videos so people can find other videos on the same topic that you have made or parts of collaborations you are a part of for example:

I hope this has given you some ideas on ways you can impove your videos and has helped you to understand how to increase your views and grow your YouTube Channel by using Titles, Thumbnails, Descriptions, Locations and Tags.

If you have found this helpful please Like the video, Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, hit the notification bell to be notified of future videos and share this video.

Have a great one Bless You.

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