Category Archives: Permaculture

Setting up the worm farm

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Removing Some Trees

These trees are causing some major problems on our homestead.

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How to Identify a Male and Female Rhode Island Red Chicken

Posted in Animals, Chickens, How to ..., News, Rhode Island Red | 1 Comment

Milking Goats

Milking goats can be a diverse experience depending on you experience and the goat. What breed of goat do you have, how old is she, does she still have kids that are nursing and much much more. And most importantly … Continue reading

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Muscovy Ducks

Muscovy ducks which are more closely related to geese than ducks are a very quiet duck and in my experience great mum’s. Incubating a duck egg artificially can be very tricky as they are very needy in relation to humidity. … Continue reading

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Moringa Tree – seed germination

I have seen many varying opinions on germinating Moringa Tree seeds and decided to do an experiment. I did 3 different techniques. I took some seeds and removed the husk, some others I just removed one end and the others … Continue reading

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Why I choose a Heritage Breed of Chicken

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What do I do with my Orange Peels?

So what do you do with orange peels? Continue reading

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What is Permaculture?

Permaculture from my way of looking at it is a mindset of designing a system or systems that work together naturally to enhance the overall out come of each element so that the combination of the elements is abundantly more … Continue reading

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Goats are a versatile animal that have many benifical elements to your life. You can start wih the obvious one

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