What is the Low Reactive Diet

Source http://www.wellnesscareaustralia.com/Low-Reactive-Diet.php

Disclaimer this is not meant as medical advice and I suggest you speak to your doctor or clinician before starting any diet. I see a gentleman called Wayne Reilly and have been seeing him periodically for nearly 20 years he knows my system and is very good with cases that doctors have given up on.

The information on this page is from information I have received from my Clinical Nutritionist and what I have experienced through my times on this diet. The basic outline and meal plans can be found at http://www.wellnesscareaustralia.com/Low-Reactive-Diet.php

The Low Reactive Diet

This Diet is only meant to be used for 1-3 weeks or as prescribed by your medical professional. I am currently on it for 4 weeks the first time I went on it I was on it for 6-8 weeks I believe and had some amazing results.

  1. Each day drink 2 liters (8 glasses) of water
  2. Take prescribed nutrients to correct malfunctioning defences and provide essential nutrients for proper detoxification (I take this time Stress Health from Modere, Vitamin D Spray from Medi Herb that I get from Wayne, Magnesium Complete from Cabot Health & a teaspoon of tumeric powder daily.
  3. If constipation occurs (less that 1-2 stools per day) use a gentle laxative to help correct ( I use Fiber from Modere plus pear Juice)

This diet removes many elements from your diet that could be causing stress on your system including:

  • Cows milk products (milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt, cream) (I am allowed to have goats milk)
  • foods containing gluten (wheat, oats, rye, barley)
  • yeasts & moulds (so no Kombucha)
  • phenolic chemicals (asprin-like chemicals in fruit and vegetables)
  • colouring agents (tartrazine, erthrosine)
  • flavour enhancers such as MSG
  • biologically active amines (eg. histamines, serotonin, tyranine)
  • caffine, chocolate, sugar
  • alcohol

For What I can Eat broken down in Categories got to http://janderra.com/what-i-can-eat-on-the-low-reactive-diet/

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